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CAD Conversion Outsourcing: Comprehending the Significance

· CAD Services
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What is CAD Conversion?

CAD conversion transforms 2D drawings into comprehensive 3D CAD models or 2D CAD drawings to ease manufacturing and the documentation. It offers opportunities to manufacturers to expanding their businesses and innovating.

General types of CAD conversion includes:

  • 2D to 3D conversion 
  • DWG to DGN Conversion
  • Paper to CAD Conversion
  • PDF to CAD Conversion 
  • PDF to DWG Conversion
  • Raster to Vector Conversion
  • TIFF to DWG Conversion
  • Scan to CAD Conversion

At Hitech CADD Services, we offer several types of CAD conversion outsourcing services, which are as below:

Paper to CAD Conversions

Majority of designs begin as 2D rough sketches on paper, as a foundation of various design concepts and distinct perspectives. It includes surface trajectories to which details regarding dimensions, materials, tolerances, and scale are added later once the product design is finalized.

Our CAD engineers help you convert 2D drawings to detailed 3D CAD models and finally 2D manufacturing drawings with detailed information needed on shop floor.

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CAD File Format Conversions

2D and 3D designs are generated in dissimilar file types while working with AutoCAD, SolidWorks or Inventor. Our CAD conversion experts offer services like SolidWorks conversion, Inventor conversion or AutoCAD conversion based on your end goals.

All the different CAD platforms use diverse proprietary or non-proprietary file types that may not be accessed during cross-platform design data exchange. This is particularly cumbersome for manufacturers who outsource design and drafting works. Hitech CAD Services’ engineers can help you create files with neutral formats such as IGES/STEP to offer seamless design data exchange.

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Scan to CAD Conversion

Our CAD engineers help you to create CAD drawing or 3D CAD SolidWorks models from scanned images, or laser scanned parts of worn out components. We study the scan and create mesh models, surface models and comprehensive 3D CAD models with PMI annotations using surface tracing methods. We also help you create final manufacturing drawings using AutoCAD and Inventor or SolidWorks drafting techniques.

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Why Outsource CAD Conversion services to us?

By outsourcing, CAD conversion tasks to an external service partner, you get access to proficient CAD drafters and engineers dedicated to your project. Also, you get to manage competition and fluctuating user trends, with accelerated product development.

Benefits of Outsourcing CAD Conversion:

  • Reduced Manufacturing Expense: An open-source software requires minor preliminary investment. Conversely, employing a full-time professional who works with a real part of drawing is high-end. Outsourcing offers the required 3D images and is practically economical.
  • Cost Benefits: Several outsourcing firms are adaptable and offer abundant packages that fulfil their client’s particular necessities and finances. Besides, they have premium and economical suites with some differences like data volume, file types, modifications, timeframe, etc.
  • Easy Design to Manufacturing: Releasing a 3D design to production eliminates the requirement for a production engineer to first transform the 2D drafts into a 3D CAD model for the tool path generation on a machine tool.
  • Better Resource Management: CAD Outsourcing truncates the overhead expenditures, which allows utilization of the procurable reserves to other imperative requirements. It lets small-scale industries with restricted resources manage their assets margins.
  • Save Time: Outsourcing CAD services provides the time which can be utilized on other portions of the project for its rapid completion. A decent communication with the CAD outsourcing partner and sharing of deliverables on cloud-storage offers an effortless access to the latest file type and feedback can be properly given.

Choosing the Right CAD Outsourcing Professionals

Outsourcing 2D to 3D CAD conversion ensures precision drawings, saves money, increases productivity, and allows the internal design team to focus on design innovation and not conversion.

While outsourcing a CAD project, the consideration must be given to a business that employs architects and engineers who are proficient in any kind of 2D to 3D CAD conversion. The firm must be capable to convert hardcopy as well as 2D CAD drawings into any 3D CAD software like AutoCAD, SolidWorks, Inventor, etc.

It is important to ensure that the engineering design support service provider exercises rigorous quality analysis, possesses comprehensive proficiency in the required domain, smartly manages project, clearly defines procedures, executes steadfast performance, accepts client feedback, and assures security of data.

If you are looking for a CAD conversion service outsourcing, email us at